Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Whangarei workshop at Otaika School

Dear all,

Thanks for your contributions today at the Juls workshop at Otaika School. Special thanks to the Otaika School staff for making us so very welcome.

Please have a go now at trying and adding onto Librarything and setting up your own for your classroom.

As well I look forward to seeing your presence on this blog. Post a comment regarding your use of the school library, learning intentions, use and improvements upon the library modules, borrowing limits etc.

Target Students

Hi fellow Julz people.

Never done this blog thing before, Jeannie talked me into it, when she visited our school this week. My old classroom is being demolished this term, so we have a term teaching in the wharehui. Change is good. Here is a pic of my target students in our old classroom.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Print-rich environments

Glenys has highlighted this quote in the JuLS Term 2 newsletter coming soon to your mailbox...
"Classroom conditions should facilitate learning… while in itself not enough, a print-rich physical environment is important." (Effective Literacy Practice in Years 1 to 4 p. 78)

This blog is a great place to share some photos of print-rich physical environments in your school - classroom, class library and school library...
Uploading a photo to the blog is easy - when you are writing your post, look along the toolbar at the top of the beige box to the picture icon "Add image" and upload a picture from a file on your computer - just check it isn't too big first (8 mb maximum size).

Looking forward to the virtual tour :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Workshop 5 -

Kia ora all,

Jeannie and myself are looking forward to working with you on the upcoming Juls workshop 5. For the Whangarei group, (during the lunch break) we will be heading to Otaika School where we will be working in the library. Our focus will be Junior library modules as well as a hands on concentration on librarything and the Juls blog. Please bring a picture book to share and examples of any library skill modules that have been successful for you and your juniors. Enclosed a photo of students connecting with books! Guess the library via the comment box!

Links to powerpoints, reports etc

Hi all - just to say that we still have to work out some permissions stuff with the links to the documents (powerpoints, report and newsletter etc) we put up with Google docs which is why they aren't coming up when you click on them - sorry about that... We'll get it sorted, and Dyane and I will talk about it at the JuLS workshops this / next week. I think most of us - and I know I am - are all learning something new with this blogging lark !

Friday, July 24, 2009

Kia ora from Wikitoria

Kia ora all,
Yay!!!! Jeannie has just introduced me to this blog page it's amazing!!!!
Look forward to seeing everyone at the next work shop.

Here is a picture of my Goals chart in my class to share - looking forward to seeing some pictures from your rooms !
Ka kite ano, Wikitoria

Monday, July 20, 2009

Building processing systems @ low levels

Hi teachers

How are your prompts to faciliate cross-checking on information going? i.e. "It could be...but look at..."

How is the reading vocabulary building (in context) with very intensive teaching?

Look forward to seeing you all soon

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Kia ora from Vera

Finally sorted out my google pass word and i am now an author on this blogg, watch this space.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Formative Practice powerpoint

Kia ora on behalf of Vera Unka - the TEAM Solutions formative practice powerpoint from Workshop 3 is now available...

For the next workshop -Whangarei 29th July, Kaitaia 5th August please bring along the following :
Planning for writing
Bring a group of students writing books and a copy of the learning intention and success criteria for the last piece of writing in their books.

Sharing formative practice
Bring an example of how you are sharing the learning and developing the success criteria.
Perhaps bring a couple of digital photographs of your classroom that show how you are supporting the learning in your classroom using formative practice or maybe a model that has worked well, a chart, or a modelling book
Any queries please contact Vera Unka or 0275441772 (best contact)