Monday, May 17, 2010

UK list of "the best children's books ever"

From The Guardian newspaper, Best Children's Books Ever by Lucy Mangan

Increasing numbers of children are starting school without having been read to. But which are the books to get them – and keep them – hooked? Lucy Mangan introduces our guide to the best. So whether it's to fight the White Witch or snuggle up with the Moomins, make yourself comfy...
The following – a combination of personal recommendations, enduring classics and currently popular borrowings from school and public libraries – are suggestions and starting points only, of course (and the age ranges attached even more so), but hopefully there will be something, somewhere for everyone.

Best books: 0-2 year-olds

Best books: 2-4 year-olds

Best books: 5-7 year-olds

Best books: 8-12 year-olds

Best books: 12-years-old and over

This article refers to a recent survey of primary school teachers which found that over half of them said they were teaching children who had never been read a bedtime story... )

Two things :
  • I wonder what the story is (no pun intended !) about bedtime reading with the children in your class - how many have bedtime stories each night / most nights ? and who reads it to them ? where do they get their read-aloud bedtime stories from ?
  • What do you think would be on our list of "the best New Zealand books ever"