Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Messages for parents about summer reading...

Here are some notes you may wish to use as a starting point for communicating with parents… Put them onto your school letterhead or in a newsletter, and edit them as you wish…

3 important messages for parents / caregivers / whanau

We know you want the best for your children.
Here are three things you can do which will really help them :

1. Encourage your children to read.
  • If your children spend 15 minutes each day reading or being read to, it will help them become excellent readers, writers and thinkers and do well at school and life.
  • 15 minutes is only 1 % of each day. It could be in 3 lots of 5 minutes. It isn’t much time but it makes a HUGE difference.
  • If you would like some help getting books to read and share, then please ask us, we’d be happy to help.
2. Keep reading and writing happening over the school holidays.
  • Many children, especially struggling readers, forget some of what they've learned or slip out of practice during the summer holidays. If you keep reading to your child and encouraging them to read and write, then they won’t lose ground they have made over the year and “slide” back.
  • Keep it fun – read anything, write anything – lists, recipes, stories, postcards, comics… Ask your child’s teacher for ideas.
3. Read aloud to your children.
  • The single most important activity for building the knowledge required for eventual success in reading is reading aloud to children.
  • Reading aloud to children stimulates their interest, their emotional development, their imagination, and their language.
  • Reading aloud to your children every day will help them become great readers and listeners, but most of all they will love you for doing it with them and they will remember the times you read to them all their lives !
Jeannie Skinner, Library Adviser, National Library School Services


  1. Great session today. Have got into the site and have written things but i cant work out where they have gone????

  2. Yeah finding the same thing. Just keep disappearing.
